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stc (Kuwait) uses 2 GSM bands, 1 UMTS band, 2 LTE bands, and 2 5G NR bands. Find out if your unlocked phone or mobile device will work with stc (Kuwait). See the tables below for details.

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Last updated: 2024/08/05 - See latest updates

Kuwait Telecommunications Company (stc) is a leading telecommunications provider in Kuwait, serving over 2 million customers with its extensive network. stc offers a variety of services, including 5G connectivity, which is the largest in Kuwait. The company provides different types of 5G coverage, such as FULL 5G and baity 5G, as well as fiber connectivity options. stc's network coverage is designed to offer advanced connectivity solutions across the country, ensuring a rich and personalized experience for its customers.

Frequency Bands


Name Interface Description
900 MHz (E-GSM) GSM

stc Kuwait uses the GSM 900 MHz (E-GSM) frequency band. This band operates from 880 MHz to 915 MHz for the uplink and from 925 MHz to 960 MHz for the downlink. The ARFCNs in this band range from 0 to 124 and 975 to 1023.

1800 MHz (DCS) GSM

stc Kuwait uses the GSM 1800 MHz (DCS) frequency band. This band operates within the 1.8 GHz frequency range, specifically with an uplink frequency of 1710–1785 MHz and a downlink frequency of 1805–1880 MHz. It was introduced in 1991 as an extension of the GSM standard and is primarily used in Europe. The GSM 1800 MHz band offers reduced signal interference and greater channel availability compared to the more crowded 900 MHz and 1800 MHz bands used by GSM. It provides services such as voice communication, text messaging (SMS), and basic data communications, similar to GSM.


Name Interface Description
B1 (2100 MHz) UMTS

stc Kuwait uses the frequency band UMTS B1 (2100 MHz). The deployment of this band is not specified.


Name Interface Description
B3 (1800 MHz +) LTE

stc Kuwait uses the LTE B3 (1800 MHz +) frequency band. The deployment date is unknown.

B7 (2600 MHz) LTE

stc Kuwait uses LTE Band 7 (2600 MHz). It was deployed in June 2015.


Name Interface Description
N1 (2100 MHz) 5G NR

stc Kuwait has deployed its 5G network using the 2.1 GHz frequency band, which is equivalent to the 5G NR N1 band. This deployment was announced in 2020 and is aimed at enhancing the overall user experience and preparing for the development of 5G vertical industry applications. The use of this low-frequency band extends 5G coverage to wider areas and enclosed indoor environments, complemented by the uplink of existing 3.5 GHz frequency bands. This deployment also supports Carrier Aggregation (CA) for NR 3.5 GHz and NR 2.1 GHz, providing an enhanced 5G experience for mobile devices. Additionally, it improves uplink performance, especially at the cell edge, to meet the capacity requirements of vertical services.

N78 (3500 MHz) 5G NR

stc Kuwait has deployed its 5G network on the 2.1 GHz frequency band, which is the first expanded 5G network in Kuwait. This deployment aims to enhance 5G indoor coverage and prepare for the exploration and development of 5G vertical industry applications. The use of low-frequency bands like 2.1 GHz extends the 5G mobile experience to wider areas and enclosed indoor environments, offering better connectivity and lower latency compared to higher frequency bands. This initiative supports the delivery of ultra-reliable low-latency communication (uRLLC) and massive machine-type communications (mMTC) services.

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