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Togocom (Togo) uses 1 GSM band, 1 UMTS band, and 3 LTE bands. Find out if your unlocked phone or mobile device will work with Togocom (Togo). See the tables below for details.

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Last updated: 2024/08/05 - See latest updates

Togocom is the leading telecommunications operator in Togo, serving the country's mobile and fixed-line needs. It is a subsidiary of AXIAN Telecom, a pan-African telecommunications services provider operating in eight countries, including Madagascar, Comoros, Réunion and Mayotte, Senegal, Togo, Uganda, the Democratic Republic of the Congo, and Tanzania, serving around 38 million customers.

Key Highlights:

  1. 5G Deployment: Togocom was the first operator to deploy 5G technology in West Africa, with the rollout starting in November 2020. This initiative aims to support the National Development Plan (NDP) by enhancing digital services across various sectors, including energy, healthcare, manufacturing, and transport.

  2. Infrastructure Modernization: Togocom has received a €55 million loan from the International Finance Corporation (IFC) to modernize its infrastructure and accelerate the rollout of its 4G network. This investment supports the Togolese government's Digital Transformation Strategy, aiming to provide mobile and fixed broadband connectivity to 95% of the population by 2025.

  3. Network Coverage: The company has made significant strides in expanding its network coverage. As of 2021, 3G services covered 96% of the population, while 4G services covered 65%. The network serves approximately 4.5 million users, with a growth rate of 9% over the past year.

  4. Partnerships and Support: Togocom has partnered with international organizations like Nokia to deploy 5G technology. Additionally, the company has received support from the International Development Association (IDA) for enhancing connectivity and fostering digital economy growth in Togo.

  5. Customer Focus: Togocom aims to become a champion of service quality, adhering to the highest international standards. The company is committed to improving customer satisfaction and expanding its product and service offerings.

Togocom's efforts are crucial for Togo's digital transformation, aiming to improve citizens' daily lives through enhanced access to education, healthcare, and social services.

Frequency Bands


Name Interface Description
900 MHz (E-GSM) GSM

Togocom in Togo uses the GSM 900 MHz (E-GSM) frequency band. This deployment is part of the broader GSM-900 band, which is widely used in most parts of the world, including Africa, Europe, the Middle East, Asia (excluding Japan and South Korea), and Oceania. The GSM-900 band operates on frequencies from 890 MHz to 915 MHz for the uplink and from 935 MHz to 960 MHz for the downlink.


Name Interface Description
B1 (2100 MHz) UMTS

Togocom Togo uses the UMTS B1 (2100 MHz) frequency band for its 3G services. This band is widely deployed in Europe and is known for its high data rates and capacity due to its large bandwidth of 60 MHz. The 2100 MHz band was chosen as the primary UMTS frequency band in Europe because it did not interfere with existing 2G services and was harmonized across most countries to facilitate roaming and interoperability.


Name Interface Description
B3 (1800 MHz +) LTE

Togocom Togo uses the LTE frequency band B3 (1800 MHz +). This band is part of the company's LTE deployment, which supports mobile and fixed wireless access (FWA) services. The use of this band is crucial for Togocom's efforts to enhance digital services and improve connectivity across various sectors in Togo.

B7 (2600 MHz) LTE

Togocom Togo uses the LTE frequency band B7 (2600 MHz). The deployment of this band is not specified in the provided information.

B20 (800 MHz DD) LTE

Togocom Togo uses LTE B20 (800 MHz DD). This frequency band was deployed in 2020.

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