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Orange (Morocco) uses 2 GSM bands, 1 UMTS band, and 3 LTE bands. Find out if your unlocked phone or mobile device will work with Orange (Morocco). See the tables below for details.

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Last updated: 2024/08/07 - See latest updates

Orange Morocco is a significant player in the Moroccan telecommunications market, offering a wide range of wholesale solutions and a comprehensive portfolio of services. Here are some key points about Orange Morocco's mobile network:

  1. Wholesale Solutions: Orange Morocco provides wholesale solutions that meet international standards, catering to the needs of service providers and carriers. Their long track record and commitment to building long-term partnerships have earned them the trust of major carriers worldwide.

  2. Customer Service: Orange Morocco offers a superior service experience, ensuring a high-quality customer experience. Their customer service is available 24/7 to assist with SIM card purchases and activations for tourists and business travelers.

  3. Network Quality: Despite some challenges, Orange Morocco's network has shown improvements in recent years. According to Opensignal, Orange Morocco ranks third in terms of video experience, with a score of 38.2 points, indicating a poor video experience compared to Maroc Telecom and inwi.

  4. 4G Availability: Orange Morocco has the highest 4G availability among the three main operators in Morocco, with a score of 83.4%, indicating that users spend a significant proportion of their time connected to an active 4G signal.

  5. Rural Coverage: Orange Morocco is committed to expanding 4G coverage to rural areas under the government-led Universal Services program. This initiative aims to bridge the digital gap and improve ICT infrastructure in rural regions.

  6. Coverage Maps: nPerf provides detailed coverage maps for Orange Morocco's 2G, 3G, 4G, and 5G networks, allowing users to visualize the network's reach and performance across various cities in Morocco.

Overall, Orange Morocco continues to invest in improving its network quality and expanding its coverage, particularly in rural areas, to meet the growing demands of its customers and contribute to Morocco's digital development.

Frequency Bands


Name Interface Description
900 MHz (E-GSM) GSM

Orange Morocco uses the GSM 900 MHz (E-GSM) frequency band. The deployment date is unknown.

1800 MHz (DCS) GSM

Orange Morocco uses the GSM 1800 MHz (DCS) frequency band. The deployment date is unknown.


Name Interface Description
B1 (2100 MHz) UMTS

Orange Morocco uses the UMTS frequency band B1 (2100 MHz). The deployment date of this band is not specified.


Name Interface Description
B3 (1800 MHz +) LTE

Orange Morocco uses the LTE frequency band B3 (1800 MHz +). The deployment date of this band is unknown.

B7 (2600 MHz) LTE

Orange Morocco uses LTE B7 (2600 MHz) for its 4G network. This frequency band is utilized to provide high-speed data services, offering a denser and faster network compared to other bands. The deployment date for this band is not specified in the available information.

B20 (800 MHz DD) LTE

Orange Morocco uses the LTE B20 (800 MHz DD) frequency band. This band is particularly known for its wide area coverage and deep penetration, making it suitable for regional and rural environments, as well as in-building coverage. It is also popular for IoT applications like eMTC (LTE Cat M1) and NB-IoT (LTE Cat NB1) due to its wide coverage characteristics. The 800 MHz band does not easily support Massive MIMO and beamforming technologies due to its large wavelength. It can be used as a single band or as part of a multi-band network, and it supports carrier aggregation with other bands to enhance bandwidth and performance.

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