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MyTel (Myanmar) uses 1 GSM band and 2 LTE bands. Find out if your unlocked phone or mobile device will work with MyTel (Myanmar). See the tables below for details.

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Last updated: 2024/08/05 - See latest updates

Mytel is a leading telecommunications operator in Myanmar, owned by the Viettel Group. Here are some key points about Mytel Myanmar:

  • Market Position: Mytel has become the third-largest telecommunication operator in Myanmar, with a significant market share and high service quality. It has over 13 million customers and leads the mobile service market share.

  • Revenue: The total accumulated revenue of Mytel in five years has exceeded 2 billion USD, making it the market with the highest service revenue for Viettel last year.

  • Coverage: Mytel boasts the largest and best 4G coverage in Myanmar, with nearly 90% of the population covered. It has also helped increase the share of high-speed mobile users from 16% to 88%, at a 40% lower cost than before.

  • Digital Ecosystem: Mytel has developed a comprehensive digital ecosystem, including digital infrastructure, digital finance, digital content, digital solutions, and cybersecurity.

  • Social Contributions: Mytel has contributed over $6 million to social activities and sponsored fiber-optic Internet for more than 630 schools.

  • Technological Advancements: Mytel was the first mobile operator to launch 5G technology in Myanmar in August 2019.

  • Network Details: Mytel uses GSM, UMTS, LTE, and CDMA protocols. The carrier codes for Mytel are 414 09, and the country code for Myanmar is +95.

  • Customer Experience: Mytel is known for its innovative approach and commitment to providing the latest technology to its customers, such as 4G and 5G services.

Overall, Mytel has made significant strides in Myanmar's telecommunications market, offering advanced services and contributing to the country's digital development.

Frequency Bands


Name Interface Description
900 MHz (E-GSM) GSM

MyTel Myanmar uses the GSM 900 MHz (E-GSM) frequency band. This band operates in the range of 880 MHz to 960 MHz, with the uplink ranging from 890 MHz to 915 MHz and the downlink ranging from 935 MHz to 960 MHz. This frequency band is primarily used in Europe, Asia, Africa, the Middle East, and Australia.


Name Interface Description
B1 (2100 MHz) LTE

MyTel Myanmar uses the LTE B1 (2100 MHz) frequency band. This band is utilized for LTE services. The deployment of this frequency band for MyTel Myanmar is not specified in the provided information.

B8 (900 MHz) LTE

MyTel Myanmar uses the LTE B8 (900 MHz) frequency band for mobile communications. This frequency band is also utilized for 2G GSM services. The deployment of LTE B8 (900 MHz) by MyTel Myanmar is part of their efforts to provide advanced mobile services to their customers, contributing to the country's digital development.

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