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Mobinnet (Iran) uses 1 LTE band. Find out if your unlocked phone or mobile device will work with Mobinnet (Iran). See the tables below for details.

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Last updated: 2024/08/05 - See latest updates

Mobinnet Iran is a major player in the Iranian telecommunications industry, providing a range of services including high-speed LTE internet, broadband internet, VPN, data center services, and Internet of Things (IoT) solutions. Founded in December 2008, Mobinnet has established a nationwide wireless network based on TD-LTE technology, serving approximately 750,000 subscribers across 125 locations in Iran.

Mobinnet offers various products and services, including high-speed TD-LTE internet, broadband internet, VPN services, data center solutions, and IoT connectivity. The company has a strong presence in Iran, providing digital services that connect homes and businesses through a comprehensive infrastructure.

Mobinnet also supports Machine-to-Machine (M2M) services on EDGE, GPRS, and GSM technologies, catering to the needs of businesses and organizations requiring advanced communication solutions.

Frequency Bands


Name Interface Description
B42 (TD 3500 MHz) LTE

Mobinnet Iran uses LTE Band 42 (TD 3500 MHz). This band is primarily used in the Asia-Pacific region and is allocated for mobile services. It supports various channel bandwidths and is used by several networks and devices.

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