Select another device to compare frequency bands with SM-N7509V Galaxy Note 3 Neo TD-LTE / Note3 Lite 4G

Displaying devices 1901 - 1910 of 20318 in total
Name # of supported bands # of matching bands Release Date ▲
Vodafone 858 Smart (Huawei U8160) 4 4 June 2011
Sony Ericsson Xperia Neo MT15 / MT15i (SE Halon) 6 4 June 2011
Alcatel One Touch OT-990A 6 4 June 2011
Sony Ericsson WT18 / WT18i 5 3 June 2011
Motorola MOTO MT870 6 3 July 2011
Sony Ericsson Xperia Arc LT15a (SE Anzu) 8 6 July 2011
Verizon HTC Droid Incredible 2 ADR6350 2 2 July 2011
HTC Status 7 6 July 2011
Motorola SPICE Key XT316 6 4 July 2011
Motorola Triumph WX435 2 2 July 2011