Select another device to compare frequency bands with SM-N976N Galaxy Note 10+ 5G TD-LTE KR 256GB (Samsung DaVinci 4)

Displaying devices 2421 - 2430 of 20246 in total
Name # of supported bands # of matching bands Release Date ▲
Nokia Lumia 610C 1 0 June 2012
Orange Santa Diego / Santa Clara (Intel Black Ray) 8 8 June 2012
Asus Padfone A66 32GB 6 6 June 2012
Motorola MOTO XT760 5 5 June 2012
HTC One S Z560E (HTC Ville C) 7 7 June 2012
LG F-160K Optimus LTE2 6 6 June 2012
Motorola MOTOSMART XT389 6 6 June 2012
Asus Padfone 6 6 June 2012
Nokia Lumia 900 Batman The Dark Knight Rises Limited Edition (Nokia Ace) 8 8 June 2012
Sony Xperia SX SO-05D 7 6 June 2012