Search Criteria

Name ▼ # of frequency bands Release Date
Samsung GT-i9308 Galaxy S3 5 July 2012
Samsung GT-i9305T Galaxy S III 4G 10 November 2012
Samsung GT-i9305 Galaxy S III LTE EU 10 October 2012
Samsung GT-i9301I Galaxy SIII Neo / Galaxy S3 VE 8 August 2014
Samsung GT-i9300T Galaxy S III 7 September 2012
Samsung GT-i9300I Galaxy SIII Neo+ Duos / Galaxy S3 Neo 8 April 2014
Samsung GT-i9300 Galaxy S III La Fleur Edition 8 February 2013
Samsung GT-i9300 Galaxy S III 64GB 8 October 2012
Samsung GT-i9300 Galaxy S III 32GB 8 May 2012
Samsung GT-i9300 Galaxy S III 16GB / Galaxy S3 8 May 2012

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